George Lucas

Out of context: Reply #14

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  • randoman0

    "I've always been curious as to what the average citizen living in the Death Star or under Imperial rule has to put up with."

    - Dude - you're unemployed I'm guessing...
    (May 22 05, 20:19)


    haha why? who hasn't wondered this? theres so much emphasis on our heros and villians. We see the people that are saved by the destruction of the Empire but we rarely see the citizens that lived on the other side.

    Maybe it would be more difficult to show the Death Star blowing up because people would realize that a an entire civilization was destroyed.

    U know, looking at the world today, Han Solo and the rebels would be deemed terrorists. Everyone under Imperial rule would pretty much look at them as scumbags, fanatics, etc. I'd like to see what the history books they had on the Death Star read like. I bet the situation looked a whole lot differnt than the movies we saw.

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