George Lucas

Out of context: Reply #7

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  • randoman0

    I like Lucas.

    U have to figure that after EP 4-6 got the acclaim they did, his reality bent quite a bit. After all, the guys only human. He watched American life and culture nurture his dreams and these SW ideas appear all over the place.

    I guess growing up this way led he to believe that if he thinks something is the best (EP 1 and 2) then they are. Who know's.

    But I still think he's a great talent none the less. THX1138 was better than EP 1 and 2. Not one that likes to see movies redone, but I think THX would be real cool to remake.

    I wonder if a day in the life of THX was similar to living under the rule of the Empire. I didnt see EP 3 yet, but I've always been curious as to what the average citizen living in the Death Star or under Imperial rule has to put up with.

    Those storm troopers are probably just normal guys (u hear the way they talk right?). Get home from work, watch football, hang out with the wife. And you know they had Ipod's, sh*t I wouldent be surprised if the industrial designers at Apple had anything to do with designing their armor.

    What I find fascinating is that you would think Lucas is all for the ideals expressed in the SW universe; peace, harmony, freedom...triump of good over evil, forgiveness, mercy, etc. The irony being the way his movies or franchise rather) seemingly represent the darker side of money, excess and greed that plagues America. trying to muscle records at the box office, mechendising the sh*t out of anything remotely starwars.

    You would think with the amount of nobility that the films excude, there would be lot's of world charities sprung form the success and influence of the films; not so much a buy, sell, buy, sell mentality. When I think about Lucas I picture the cold interior of a shiny black drone like space port in the deathstar, than the glowing lantrens in a small villiage at twilight on Endor.

    If you've read into the teachings that have influenced Lucas in his creation of SW universe (joseph Campbell) that you will begin to see that SW to lucas is a semi-religious undertaking.

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