nostalgic moments

Out of context: Reply #10

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  • rasko40

    in the 4th year of school (thats like 14yrs, dont know your grade equiv) we had a run in with some kids from the year above one lunchtime. As it got broke up pretty quick we arranged an inter year fight for the next day lunchtime. That following day the school fottball grounds were transformed into a battlefield, hundreds of kids just randomly punching people, there was no escape. You would just be going up to people saying 'nothing personal' *SMACK* then you'd turn around and *THWACK* on your nose... it was so funny, I don't think anyone got really badly hurt though. But some fuckers stitched us up and like 4 or 5 of us got into major shit for starting a 'riot' as they called it. The funniest thing was that the police were called and we were all interviewed seperately and then thrown out of school for the rest of the day, as me and a friend were waiting outside the main entrance we noticed a work van with a rope tied to it's back bumper, using quick dumb wittedness we tied the rope onto the lighting rig on the top of the police car and went for a hidden vantage point. About 15 mins later our hearts start racing as the police get into their car without noticing the rope, the drive off toward the exit and *CRASH* their lights were torn from the top of their car and smashed on the school driveway... man did we run fast, and we never got caught for that one so SHHH!

    so funny.

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