
Out of context: Reply #1

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  • sparker0

    it depends on the mua involved.

    most graphical muas (outlook, kmail, evolution, thunderbird, etc...etc...) allow you to compose email in html.

    but rendering and formatting vary greatly between muas...not too mention how people configure them.

    example, at work i use evolution. but i disable all html in email. i only allow plain text all i would see is html markup in your mail, not the way you intended it to look.

    i don't like html email.

    most of the time i use mutt, though. mutt is a text based mua. so there is no native html email support.

    just the way i like it.

    but, to make html email, all you do is just create an email using html markup. if the mua is configured to read html email it will show up like a web page. if not, then it will show the code.

    * note: mua = mail user agent. the geeky way of saying email program.

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