flash / php

Out of context: Reply #19

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  • rabattski0

    ok, here's the basic what i'm trying to do and i don't know if it's possible.

    the goal is to protect swf files from remote downloading. basically protecting vector artwork.

    roughly. in the root folder there's a main swf file that loads other swf movies from a .htaccess protected folder.

    the userid/pass combo to access that folder is not stored in the swf file but is retreived from a php file and remains a variable.

    if that php file is accessed from the location bar it won't show the userid/pass. it will only pass the data if it's accessed from the main swf and the right url.

    both the main swf as the swf's that will be loaded will have a server check (_url) if it's not from the proper url it won't do anything.

    now this is only how i worked it out in my head. at this point i'm stuck in retrieving the userid/pass from the php script in such a way that only the swf can get it.

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