NIN: With Teeth

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  • ronaldo0

    no marketing trolls, it's just a brilliant album. if you listen to bands such as the beatles for example who continuously released hit after hit you'd notice that what made them so brilliant is their melodies. catchy melodies that get stuck up in your head that you find yourself singing throughout the day. thats what I get out of this nin album. I think Trent's love for music has mateured. He still has his sound that his core fans can enjoy, but at the same time he's reaching a whole new audience by exploring this structured, catchy melodic formula. That is in my oppinion the real challenge of a great song and a great song writer. Wanting to hear it over and over and sub-cauntiously singing it in your head when it's not on. Is Trent doing this to get more sales? I doubt it.. I think his love for music is just taking him to this plateau. I think he's making music for himself these days. With Teeth is becoming my favorite nin album.

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