teh hijack thread

Out of context: Reply #16

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  • Kuz0

    haven't heard of that guy paraselene. but i got it all planned

    from Lahore to Multan, back up to Taxila, to Peshawar, and then hire an armed escort to the Khyber pass, (apparently they cost a fiver a day - what a bargain!) then to Chitral, Gilgit, Northwest Province (where the al qaeda guy was caught yesterday) then to Skardu,(gaze at the second and eight highest mountains in the world) then catch the only bus that goes from Pakistani Kashmir to the Indian side, to Srinigar, Ladakh, Jammu, Leh (maybe). Then swing back round to Delhi, back to Lahore, and come home. But they're still early days, need to mash out more concrete plans

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