
Out of context: Reply #13

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  • sikson0

    this is a great thread to read while laying in bed. I've ended up finding a few different websites to read about sleep disorders but this one is really intresting to read and has all the stages of sleep

    i had a girlfriend a few years back that had night terrors - i got pissed at her once bc i thought she was ignoring me, but then she laid back down and went to sleep - so strange.

    sometimes i have a bit of insomnia/sleep apnea (great just to fucking help i heard what sounded like a goddamned gun shot outside my window...huntington beach WHY) sometimes sleep apnea is so bad i just get frustrated and stay awake so as not to have to deal with it - my girlfriend said i made 3 minutes worth of a high pitch choke noise then jerked violently and kicked her.

    BUT on the subject of this post:

    at my grandma's house growing up her mother lived there the last few years of her life and died there as well - i remember being afraid of her when i was little, she was afraid of me too - after she died when i was about 5 i would often feel like i was being followed down the hall - i never ran i was always just aware - and always turned to look. years later i told my grandma this and she said she felt the same thing.

    sleepsweet nana, lots not be afraid of each other tonight and protect me from another gun shot or whatever that was.

    christ i want another drink.

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