
Out of context: Reply #8

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  • blackspade0

    ive definately had "sleep paralysis"

    my Brothers best friend just last month had the most freaky occurences in his flat, (he has sinced moved out 2 weeks ago) because he was so freaked out by it

    he woke up to his speakers moving/jumping by themselves and a scratching hissing sound, his other flatmates had experienced some other crazy things at night also, one of the guys ran from the flat at 3am in the morning because he was so scared of what was going on.

    After he had moved out, his auntie called him out of the blue (who lives on another island completely), and asked him if he had any problems in his flat, he said 'hell yes' , and she continued to tell him that she been contacted by the deceased ex-owners of this house who were murdered over 80 years ago, and that they wanted him to take down a wall he had put up in room! thats why they were disturbed

    freaky, and true story, no shit

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