Guns, Germs & Steel

Out of context: Reply #17

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  • mikotondria20

    yeah, but his liveJournal is kinda lame:
    " anyways, I see Luke just before class, and hes like - ohh you had your hair done, **duh!!**, but at least he anyways, I was like, **--_oh, yeah, just a little_--** and hes like cool, so after class we hung out and Bethany (why!? oh why!? does she have to talk all the freaking time ??!!!), and she was like --ooh, nice bag, Jared---, and I was like whatever.....shes so lame....then my mom calls and shes all - - - you get back home right now, and I was like...whatever..."..

    Cant be the same guy, can it ??

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