
Out of context: Reply #19

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  • randoman0

    I disagree with the software selection for Linux...

    I also don't see how a publisher could get by on Linux alone? (what are they using in quarks/indesign place?

    I run Debian and know of all the packages that are available. I've even gone so far as to try and get by in a strickly Linux setup (from a designers standpoint). Gimp imo is not adequate... if it was around in '95 I might see using it... other than that, I dont see any applications for serious designers. At this time I dont feel a designer could make a living using Linux as an exclusive OS. In addition the lack of Flash is equally crippling (and 3D softwares to compete with Maya, SI, 3ds, etc.). Audio apps as well, Linux is just in a different league as far as software in concerned.

    Price for a desktop OS should not be a factor... it's the software available for it because without that, nothing else matters much.

    As a server, cost does become a huge factor... it's being fee CAN save you several thousands of dollars in licensing fees, upgrades, etc. Not to mention the fact that it is leaps and bounds more secure, solid and stable than Win/OSX (In an interview Steve Woz claimed that he was still envious of Linux being more stable than even Apples offering.).

    For a programmer o developer, I would saw Linux desktop is superior. Plus the fact that so many devices are running embedded linux, from what I understand it's a great environment to develop in.

    And no (good) games either.

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