
Out of context: Reply #10

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  • randoman0

    What is your use for running Linux?

    Web server/applications?

    I would suggest againt using Linux as a desktop... somply not enough support form sw vendors. XP or OSX are much better.

    As a file/webserver Linux is better than most, especially windows. Less security issues, more stable, and will run longer without clogging up and rebooting.

    If your looking for an easy to set up and maintain LAMP server, Debian Sarge is the best for both beginners and more experienced. Like someone mentioned, it has a compile feature called "apt-get" which makes installing and configuring software very easy.

    Gentoo is also supposed to be a great Linux. Recently there has been less intrest in Redhat and Fedora Core, and if you decide to go with Fedora Core, choose version 2 rather than 3 which has some problems.

    Another idea is to install Linux via CoLinux. This allows you to run a full, real Linux installation alongside Windows or OSX (not dualboot, Linux will actually run as a service with its own CPU and memory space. It acts and works like any other Linux installation). This is good for web developers who need to use XP or OSX tools (like photoshop, flash, etc) and also need a Linux environment (PHP, MySQL, PERL, Apache, CGI, imagemagik, etc).

    If you develope for Linux web server this is a great way to go. Colinux with Debian alongside XP or OSX is a good combination.

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