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Out of context: Reply #62

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  • paraselene0

    oh, vespa. will you marry me? i love chai.

    well, as we say in new orleans, shit's all fucked up, dawg. but i can summarise fairly quickly:

    1. i'm so far into debt in the us that i really can't return or the closest i'll ever get to the property ladder is a nylon hammock in mississippi. my job here pays fuck-all, so i've had to just let all that slide and more or less destroy my credit over there.

    2. the work permit with moth is in the works, but the home office came back with a response and now wants the company to hand over everything but the kitchen sink. the lease to their building, cvs of other applicants, etc., etc. the list goes on. they'll do what they can to satiate the immigration officials, but this is the last round they're willing to wait, so if it doesn't work, then i can't take the job.

    3. i'm about to turn 28, which is the same age my mom was when she gave birth to me. i don't want to have children or anything, but it's a mind-fuck anyway. the idea that my mother felt secure enough in the world when she was my age to bring another life into it boggles my mind. i'm just feeling like i'll never be secure. but i think that's normal. (i also suspect myself of overestimating my mother.)

    4. i've had to give the heave-ho to yet another sodding idiot boyfriend, which is fine because i'm much better off without him, but the whole two-month-shelf-life relationship has started to lose its charm since i've been this side of twenty-something. so that's depressing. i'm actually starting to believe that i'm going to be doing this loner schtick forever. i thought that was what i wanted at one time, but hey, i also thought that it would be cool to have both my eyebrows pierced with horn when i was nineteen.

    so, that's about the size of it. just a rough patch. same as everyone else these days it seems! nothing that a pot of chai and whingeing to you lot can't cure!

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