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Out of context: Reply #13

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  • liquid1

    well this is what I get for actually doing work ........8 NTB and PBS ...... and this is the 1st I have heard of this.... help me if they get rid of fireworks or dont work in some of the features like the way to select elements a little easier....I am gonna freak.....and change the damn interface.....OMG OMG OMG...

    I am so freaking out right now.....I need a smoke...... dear god.....I need weed.....a sedative......maybe valium...

    I hate the interface....OMG I AM GONNA HURL.....

    I dont care about anything but FW......please dont get rid of FW....... I can deal with anything but losing FW......

    SCREW IT...... I am making like 100 copies of my install CD right now and I dont care if it is obsolete..... I DONT CARE I DONT CARE I TELL YOU........

    I think I may be having a nervous breakdown.....

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