Gomery Inquiry 2005

Out of context: Reply #2

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    no, I'm not happy about a looming election. I really couldn't give less of a shit about the sponsorship scandal. If the conservatives don't watch it they're going to bore the public to death with their attempt at taking over goverment.

    Paul Martin is by far the most qualified person to run the country, and I might add that he's doing a damn good job so far. Would Stephen "Whiny-Pants" Harper have told the US to FO regarding the missile defence shield? I think not.

    Besides, no one who knows anything about Harper would ever vote for him. He's a fucking whiner. He's been to Ottawa 3 times already and when he doesn't get his way he runs back to Alberta crying for his mommy.

    He's a total spineless pussy. I can't say how much this guy bitches and whines about how politics run in Ottawa. Well, guess what Stevie: that's your fucking job, deal with it.

    I won't even go into the fact that he hates minorities and gays, or that he would have us all praying at work if he got elected. OR that he would sell us to the US at the drop of a hat. I would never vote for him based on the fact that he's a crybaby that can't hold his own in Ottawa so all he ever does is bitch about it on TV.

    I really hate that guy, he's such a shitty politician. I wish Preston Manning was still around. Or Joe Clark, now that was a conservative leader I could respect. Hell, even Mulroney was better than Harper.

    Stephen Harper == Whining Pussy Crybaby

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