If you're sick in the office

Out of context: Reply #47

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  • mg330

    What a jinx this thread was!!!

    Made dinner on Monday night, woke up at 2am feeling like my stomach was going to explode, spent every 1 1/2 hours following until 11am making trips to the bathroom to puke and blow hideous waste matter out my sewerhole.
    Oh the humanity!

    Couldn't even keep water down. Not sure if it was some kind of stomach virus I brought back with my from Cancun, or if it was from food I ate when I got back.

    But I had to take two days off of work, lying miserabally around the house with no energy at all, no appetite, head spinning from looking at the TV for even 5 minutes.

    Back at work today but I am dragging.........
    Trying to eat an apple and get some work done.

    So, as to the moral of this thread, if you feel like hell, stay home, work is a horrible place to be sick like this.

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