how many games do you...

Out of context: Reply #11

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  • clerk0

    i only got 4 even though i've probably played half of them...

    1. Commando
    2. X-COM: UFO Defense
    3. Another World
    4. Dune II: Building of a Dynasty
    5. Iron Lord
    6. Eye of the Beholder II: The Legend of Darkmoon
    7. Myth: History in the making
    8. Supremacy
    9. Turbo outrun
    10. Pitstop II
    11. Myst
    12. Katakis / Denaris
    13. Full Throttle
    14. The Settlers / Serf City: Life is Feudal
    15. Cannon Fodder
    16. Street rod
    17. Flashback
    18. Creatures
    19. Lode Runner
    20. Street Fighter II
    21. Command & C
    22. Super Pipeline
    23. Winter Games
    24. Samantha Fox strip poker
    25. Bard's tale III: The Thief of Fate
    26. Aztec Challenge
    27. Spy vs Spy
    28. Age of empires
    29. Ultima Underworld II: Labyrinth of Worlds
    30. Block Out
    31. Tomb Raider
    32. Star Wars: X-Wing
    33. Wings of Fury
    34. Maniac Mansion
    35. The Lost Vikings
    36. Golden Axe
    37. Battle Chess
    38. International Karate +
    39. Betrayal at Krondor
    40. Total Annihilation

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