Pricing Help plz

Out of context: Reply #12

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  • scransom0

    scarabin. I'd have given him an estimate with the figure. Itemizing each job. When you see the breakdown, its easier to rationalise in your mind. That price is about right. Dont forget to charge for laser proofs as well. $25 each.

    If he wants something effective it will cost him more up front but the results will be much better. He could do it at kinkos for cheaper, but would anyone notice the posters and flyers? Would anyone be interested enough to keep them ? I doubt it. Does he think associating himself with low quality junk mail will be good for his career?

    These are things to get him thinking about. And for the programs, i suggest indesign ;)

    Maybe he is too cheap, but that's ok. You could compromise, feel him out but thats a slippery slope. Doing that too often will cut your freelance design career short quickly. You can't afford to work for less than standard rates and no one good will charge less. (so you can say, which is true in a sense. Your trying to build a sustainable business too)

    Cheers. Best of luck

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