flash/xml help

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  • unfittoprint0

    when "feeding" my flash file with external information I setup 3 actions after a sucessfull onLoad event:

    #1 parse the xml info to an array [you'll may use it after even when channg the XML/loadVars content]

    #2 create the stage, using attachMovie/createEmptyMovieClip...
    [if you intend to use dynamic textfields u mioght want to set those autoSize to "left" or true]

    #3 important: using the same array [or XML object] as before, recreate the same loop to align correctly your stage elements after a small interval.
    why? because Flash does not detect immediatelly the updated height of your MC's [with the textfields] so a small time lapse is needed [100 ms is more than enough] after "phase 2'. Don't foreget to clear the interval when the 'phase 3' begins.

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