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Out of context: Reply #26

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  • mybrokenshoe0

    thought i would add my two pence /cents.

    This year i have paid to have my work in the Contact book whichcost £750, and also i entered the AOI images book, which i think was about £350.

    Both my agent and the tutors at college reckoned you have to 'spend money to make money' And they swore by these books.

    It seem a hell of alot of money but i guess one, advertising job would pay it off, and anything else would just be a bonus. Neither has been published yet so i am just keeping the fingers crossed. will keep you posted on what happens. Contact is released in may i think.

    I think it would be just as good to direct mail people, that is what i have been doing recently. It seems to be paying off.

    If you get the chance go see the prospective clients / art directors makes them remember you.

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