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Out of context: Reply #11

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  • mg330

    Check it out.
    If you feel like you can't balance your budget, live outside your means, or never have any money, take a look at this spreadsheet I made a couple years ago.
    It is in Excel, and it made a huge difference in helping me plan my expenses, realize what portion of my paychecks goes to what. It helps to forecast what kind of money you can put in a savings account, as well as how soon you can pay off credit card debt.
    One nice feature I made is where you see how much you have left for spending money after paying your mandatory bills. It shows what you have per week, but also shows what you will have extra after that if you only spend $100 a week on food, going out, drinking, buying CDs, etc.
    This is helpful if you are trying to save for a purchase but you're not taking that money from your savings account.

    Take a look. The instructions will help. I have given this to several people who, after filling it all out, sort of gulped and told me that they didn't realize they spend more than they make.

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