do you cook?

Out of context: Reply #48

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  • elahon0

    It fucking sucks. I work at a sit-at-a-computer job all day, and come home and so some more sit-at-the-computer work. It's funny how draining sitting on your ass all day in front of a computer all day can be. So, needless to say, I've got some weight to loose. But, I've began to conciously (sp?) cut back portions, which is a good step, and I've gotten a membership at the local "Y." But, shit, Domino's delivery sure is fucking convenient. =/

    Ahhh, spring is almost here. I tell myself that I'll wake my ass up at 5:30 every morning, and bust my balls at the gym at least an hour a day, as many days a week as I can stand. But, telling myself I am going to do it and actually doing it are two completely different things.

    I've got such a case of the BAAAAAADASS cabin-fever dumps. C'mon, Spring!!!

    Sorry. I feel better now.

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