the people upstairs

Out of context: Reply #19

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  • zachary0

    You've really got to watch out for the people under the stairs.

    Seriously though, I used to get into fist shaking, wall banging grudge matches with the kids in the apartment adjacent to mine. They would constantly be playing Creed or some other derivative crap rock late into the night with the volume stuck at 11.

    One night I got pissed and found the trendy house/techno music channel on comcast and turned not only my tv, but also my stereo up as loud as it would go. It was knocking shit off of the walls and shaking everything in the apartment. It's a good thing I didn't have my fishes back then, as the vibration of the bass would have killed them I think. Probably pissed off the other neighbors too, but it worked for the time being. It was like a constant vendetta. I had won the battle, but the war was far from over.

    Finally my girlfriend couldn't sleep one night due to the 3am Creed rock nightmare, so I pounded hard on the wall. They just pounded back as usual. I didn't intend on my pounding to be a social greeting. Enough with the wall-banging conversation.

    I backed up across the room and proceeded to sprint towards our shared wall with every intention of crashing through it and falling into the enemy living room. Unfortunately, it was kind of anti-climactic. I stayed on my side of the wall, but the collision made one hell of a racket.

    I haven't heard from them since, and all I had to sacrifice was my left shoulder. Nooch.

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