Film Genre

Out of context: Reply #28

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  • theplanet0

    The emerican western is epitomizes cinema. The reoccuring theme in almost all westerns is the idea of the civilised verses the uncivilised. The individual versus society. Freedom versus structured law.

    This is not to say that the only good American films are westerns, but that the wester (as has already been written) uniquely reflects the American experience and the themes are important to American culture.

    My three favorite westerns:

    "My Darling Clementine"- my alltime favorite movie
    "The Searchers" - Star wars lifted entire scenes

    All John Ford- My Favorite Director

    I response to the Canaian film question. The only film movement Im am aware of that Canada took a leading role in was the experimental movement of the 60's-80's. The Canadian Film Board sponsored the majority of the most innovative experimental pieces in film history. They still are active in funding experimental film.


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