Proof: kids are stupid EVERYWHERE

Out of context: Reply #13

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  • Point50

    The problem is that these kids had problems beyond Mortal Kombat. When you're 13-16 years old, you should be well aware of the differences between fantasy and reality. It reaches much deeper than just entertainment (in my opinion); I grew up on gansta rap during my most influential stage of life: puberty. Geto Boys, NWA, CMW, DJ Quik. Like Chris Rock said in one of his stand-ups: "they blame it on the music they listen to... if that's the case, what the fuck was in Hitler's CD case then?". Seriously, what drove the slave trade and the massacre of Native American by the arriving Europeans? How about the situations in Bosnia & Africa. Was it just greed? Or did a lot of these people just not see anything wrong with their violent actions? Or was it both? Those kids are missing something important in their live; not sure if it's the parenting or what; but they should have many books thrown at them.

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