eye problems

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    About 6 mos. ago, I noticed that everytime I put in my contacts, about 2 hours later, they were fused to my eyeballs. What started out as what I thought was "dry eyes" ended up being what is called "Blepharitis." It is a bacterial infection of the eyelid margin that inflames and slightly swells the edge of your eyelids at the base of the eyelash. Look it up on the web for further info.

    Bottomline. It sucks. I read in more than one article that this is often a chronic condition and symptoms during a current bout often last 6 to 8 mos.

    This has made my "computer viewing design career" hell. can't wear contacts. Even then, eyes are dry, always. and irritated and bloodshot all day long. I have been to 3 diff doctors. I hope that the winter, dry weather conditions are part of the dilemma. i.e. dry skin, heat in apt. etc.

    That is my case. The most persistant and annoying medical condition that I have ever had in my entire life.

    I hope you never get it.
    get well. Celuvisc does help a bit.


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