not just metallica then

Out of context: Reply #36

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  • puter0

    yeah I meant "list" (I was typing something earlier that I used least... combined the two- my mistake-

    I was trying to make the point that no one, especially artists who live off their work, likes to have their shit stolen.

    Everyone talks about the price of CD's, or that when they tour they make money... for one now you can get songs cheaper than CD's- and how people think 99 cents or cheaper is TOO much for a song when again- bottled FUCKING water cost more- well that amazes me.

    Have any of you ever been in a band? Have any of you ever been on tour? Unless your fucking Britney Spears you are not going to get rich off tour.. and even with someone like her- tours that big cost tons of money and involver endless travel and work.

    Take a band like Modest Mouse who are now big shots... I booked them in Philly during the Lonesome West tour and their guarantee was 400.00 - that was to travel from Texas in a stinky van for 30 hours... they could have made more working at McDonalds.

    I think artist should offer free material for people to preview, and most do now on most websites, but if you like the artist you should purchase the art- not just steal it off the wall like you have some god given right to do so.

    And you can not use the "they make enough money" excuse either. So do Lawyers, Doctors, Football players, stock brokers, and the rest of them. Just because ANYONE is well off does not give you a right to steal from them.

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