
Out of context: Reply #8

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    Miss Bell is a teacher at a primary school.
    each day she teaches the children a new word that they can incorporate into their everyday life.
    todays word is "contagious"
    she explaint to the children what the word means then she asks the class to use it in a sentence.
    Wee jeannie is the class swat and is first to put her hand up.
    She asks jeannie to say her sentence.

    "My mummy was in bed last week with the flu and i wasnt allowed to kiss her until she was better because the doctor said it was contagious"

    "well done" replies miss bell.
    "has anyone else got a sentence"

    wee boab is the cheeky bastard of the class and his hand shoots up.

    "anyone else?" asks miss bell (pretending not too see boabs hand)


    "ok boab, whats your sentence?"

    "my dad was painting the bathroom last week and my mum was complaining that it was taking the cunt ages!"

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