
Out of context: Reply #3

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  • rasp0


    work rest and (not so much) play are all good thanks! - and with the work appraisal (that happened this month) going so well and then getting more than a quarter of my salary as a pay rise.. its just got even better!

    quite chuffed with that, ive worked my arse off for the past ten months.

    we move into the new building soon (april) so that will be amazing - plus im going to do the ident for that and the gallery we are going to run below! :)

    saves doing well.. just dont ask him about his nose!! he might have to have some surgery on it! :oS and next month i m getting surgery to remove a peice of my jaw and a wisdom tooth!! :-( all while im awake - cack!!

    hes not found anyone decent in manc land as yet - but i think he will be popping down to leeds to see a company there soon.. he was talking to them on friday - so fingers crossed!

    hows you now? and work/life?

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