my pressence..

Out of context: Reply #5

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  • BZZZP0

    well there is always a nice simplicity to the purely functional / real names, such as "Joe Smith Design" or "Industrial Lubricant and Tube Co" ... but when successful, the technically-contrived brand can come across as clean - like apple does, for me, ... banana republic i just don't (care to) get, and i think buro is a pretty standard term in at least german...

    but yes, accela, altair, audubon, binopics, etc, are all to great degree contrived

    it also depends on what your name actually is - does it look good in print, is it easy to read, how does your first initial work with your last name, how does your last initial work with your first name, etc...

    i think as long as you yourself feel that the thing is to a sufficient extent "pure" and "real" and "elegant" it doesn't matter which way you push it.

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