search engines question

Out of context: Reply #11

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  • mg330

    No one has mentioned title tags.

    Very important, and the first thing Google looks at.

    I turned our law firm's website around in barely 1 week. All the old pages had title tags of just the firm name.
    I redid them with the appropriate info like city, state, the words "law firm" and the firm name at the end.

    For several specific search terms we went from no placement at all to within the first three pages of Google, with at least 6 terms taking us to #1 and #2 placements on the first page.

    Cool thing is, no one there knew I knew how to do this stuff! :D

    I do alot of research on law firms to see what others are doing, how they're representing themselves, etc.

    It's astounding how many firms only put the firm name in the title tag. And then they wonder why they can't find their site on the web when they type in "City, State + law firm." Kind of makes me laugh.

    Now, if I am able to get us business this way from the web, I'm having a party in my pantaloons.

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