Dead Mac?

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  • shotoshi0

    Had same prob after returning from 2 week holiday. It happens everytime I shutdown for any length of time.

    So, what I did was to boot up from my OS 8.6 disc then restart pressing SHIFT + APPLE KEY + P + R and hold down until you hear the start up chimes twice in a row, then let go.

    I think it's something to do with a PRAM error (that's what a mate told me to do and it works)

    Have been putting up with this for a few years now but since I use my system every day I just put it to sleep at night (not shutdown)

    The weird thing is, I can shut down for a couple of days and come back it will start up first time. But if I'm away for more than a week (only at xmas and new year) I get the suitcase with flashing question mark problem.

    There's a good book called some thing like: Bombs and Sad Macs (can't remember title fully but good trouble shooting tome - probably updated now. Check out Amazon)

    Good luck!

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