What do you do...

Out of context: Reply #27

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  • Point50

    Good point DonV. I thought about that after I posted. I don't have any way to post right now, but I will get something up for you guys. As a matter of fact, I will post both pieces for comparison... and as far as how this came about, here's how it popped off. A guy at my work (I work in-house at a mortgage compay, so my job isn't exactly mega-exciting) comes to and basically tells me that he isn't happy with some work that another guy had done for him for advertising. I told him I'd help him out. He didn't know how to tell the other guy that he didn't like what he did, so I said just tell him that "(we) have an internal marketing dept. here at work, and that all ads that represent us need to be approved here first based on our company's standards", which is true. So he did that, then just told the guy that "(I)could get one done, based on (their) layout, within our standards, in less than half an hour". When the other guy saw the finished piece, he said "This is according to your company's standards? That looks like crap."

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