Christopher Walken

Out of context: Reply #30

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  • aliendn0

    omg dutchboy, im phucking speechless right now...

    honestly it wasn't a dream, its was 4:10pm when i typed it (i get off at 4:15pm) and i wanted to kill time, and i was reading the "why not" thread and getting sick of it, and since i was on NT i know how much people hate lens flares, so i wrote a creative story to take me to 4:15 cause i couldnt wait to get out of work.

    I swear on my life i never saw that quote that you linked (i'm an honest dude, ripping ain't my style, even for humour purposes), so im kinda mind fucked right now, because i'm wondering HOW THE PHUCK DOES SOMEONE OUT OF NOWHERE EQUATE WALKEN WITH LENS FLARE? i mean its one of the most popular skits, but still, im at a loss for words right now. so i admit it wasn't a real dream, but i never saw someone mention that scenario before.

    ps: how the hell did YOU come across something like that haha that's too hilarious

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