Christopher Walken

Out of context: Reply #22

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  • aliendn0

    Christopher is dead...dead tired of cowbell jokes (sorry, stole the concept of that joke off the simpsons, the gag goes like : Mr simpson, your baby is dead...dead tired of the high prices for baby formula).

    btw, i actually like that threadless shirt.

    Will Ferrel's a class act though, while he was illustrator he was like "WHY THE FUCK IS IT SO HARD TO MAKE A RECTANGLE IN PHOTOSHOP" and I was like chill dude, there's vector shapes in photoshop, you dont have to select a rectangular marquee and fill it with the foreground color" when he peaked and yelled at my boss Billy; "BILLY GET OFF THE GODAMN SHED." and I got a little nervous. All of a sudden he laughed it off and said in a calm voice "well alien, thats not very instinctive is it? back in my day we had a little thing called Corel Draw and Painter and if you had to draw a freaken rectangle, you got a freakn rectangle...BILLY, I AM GOING TO PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE! NOW, GET OFF THE SHED"

    its like Viet-saturday night Live

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