Out of context: Reply #4

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  • enobrev0

    im not sure of their methods, but i would guess that the output is an iframe. and they are using ob_flush…

    it's proceeded by an ob_start…

    basically, when you work with the associated funcitons, it puts all the output into a buffer, within the loop you flush the buffer to display what's in it at any given time.

    So on every loop iteration you clear the buffer, send the mail, output "Mail #n sent" into the buffer and then flush it which would send it to the iframe.

    The rason it should be an iframe isthat you would have to output the contents within the shell of the page (footer included), and you can't really insert info in the middle of a page.

    You couldn't really do it with dhtml as it would require open server communication, which you can't really do with a browser.

    Good luck!

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