
Out of context: Reply #4

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  • iDp0

    In my opiion, skip both X-Mas and New Years in Vegas. When I was young I loved hitting the strip on NYE...but the last two times I went out, it was out of hand. Basically when you walk around on the strip there are all these hot girls (which is why I liked to go)...but then you notice that they all look at you suspiciously...all of them seem a bit frazzled...then you realize why. There are a lot of guys who for some reason think that when you are in a really crowded area its not that big of a deal to fondle girls. I mean it was really was so packed that you would see girls getting their tits squeezed..ass grabbed...and when they turn around they have no clue who did it. So it just makes for a weird vibe. I haven't gone in a really long time (5 years), but I never really had a great time...oh yeah and one year I was wearing this funny straw hat and a dude lit it on fire while it was on my head. Luckilly I was with a 19 year old juice head who weighed 260lbs..and he beat the crap out of the guy while I went and got us more beer.

    X-Mas would be ok I guess, probably would be kinda quiet I assume.

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