
Out of context: Reply #1

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  • k0na_an0k0

    haha. too funny. i just got back. quite literally last night. i hurt.

    not for christmas but new years yes. not many people want to go away from the family on christmas ya know.

    friday and saturday were crazy this past weekend, sunday evening was dead and monday was a ghost town when i left at 6pm.

    you'd be better off saving your $ and going for new years, the superbowl, march madness, or the fourth of july. all of which will be amazing.

    plus, the weather was only 50 degrees, nice but really the pools are so great it's tuff to sit in your hotel room with a long sleeve shirt on and look at an empty pool.

    search for vegas in the find and see some photos of the weekend. iDp, point5 and zenfulbeauty are from there and we met up. great group of people. can't wait to see them again.

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