< fantastic four

Out of context: Reply #5

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  • Point50

    I think I hate almost every comic book movie except for SpiderMan 2. I was just such a big comic book nerd when I was young that the altering of tha story lines really pisses me off. I mean, look at how they've butchered the X-Men story line. It's horrible, but to the 8 billion people that have never read a comic book it's off the chizain.

    I worked so hard mowing lawns and distributing AVON catalogs just so I could spend $40-$75 a week on that sh*t! And I was only 12 and 13 years old. And considering my mom lost about 400 of my books when I went to college, I don't have but about maybe 50 out of about 300 left that are worth anything. I shoulda saved all that money for a flat screen TV... cause I could see the future when I was in 6th grade. It said I'd be broke... and that I'd have a shitty TV... and it was right.

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