
Out of context: Reply #48

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  • Kuz0

    The first time I smoked crack. By me...

    Just off Tottenham Court Road, there's a seedy alley. We call it the Spanish alley on account of the Spanish type bars along there.On the corner is a small seedy bar called, the Net Bar (not to be confused with the MET bar). I went down there a few years ago with a couple of friends. A weird toothless guy was on the door selling tickets. Strange dark smokey place, full of Japanese people. One Japanese guy in the corner playing a dijridoo (sp). Got drunk, and at some point in the night my mate comes round with a beer, and is like - "did you see that toothless guy on the door around? He said if i bought him a beer he'll let me smoke coke with him", i'm like cool, i'll find him for you and snatched the beer out from his hand and found the guy. and am like "hey dude, my mate said if i bought you a beer you'd let me smoke coke," he's like, yeah sure.. come with me.

    So he takes me to the toilet, and we get into a cubicle, and he pulls out his crack pipe and lights up. And i'm like "dood, i thought you meant cocaine, not crack." And he's like, "ya, that a problem?" And i say, "nah, no problem."

    Musta been in that cubicle for like an hour cracked up. Felt like 10 mins. Then my mate grabbed my leg from under the cubicle and i crashed back to reality. And i stepped out and he's like, "guess what, we just scored 3g's of coke from that dude," "cool" i said.

    so many adventures like that one... like the time i did e's with the gay american business man i met on the street.. aaaah, to be a student again

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