saw : the movie

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  • k0na_an0k0

    i saw it last night.

    first i'd like to say that i had a fun time there. it was an enjoyable BAD movie.

    the acting was by far the worst i have ever seen in a movie aside from that of gigli. and i quote... "wha wha wha wha, what are you ga ga going to do?!? ki ki ki kill ma me?" beyond bad.

    the last 20 minutes should have been great but the whole theater was laughing because well... it was terrible.

    danny glover?!? haha. is he still 'too old for this shit' cause it's basically the same guy. i kept waiting for rigs to jump out and save the day. there is a scene where out of the darkness.... dun dun DUUUUNNNN.... DANNY GLOVER i asked loudly like what the fuck?!?... and the crowd around me laughed. wha?!?

    all in all i will say that i had a good time at it though. it was entertaining for a bad movie but the acting... GOOD GOD the acting is bad!

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