Israel decriminalises ecstasy

Out of context: Reply #13

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  • Kuz0

    I had this idea for a documentary about the youth of Israel. After that nighclub got bombed couple of years ago. And everyone was like "they were just young kids out doing what youngs kids all over the world do, enjoying themselves, out clubbing," etc,,,

    I thought that was a fascinating picture of a nation. Cos like Israel has/is becoming a big party place and they have these big famous out door rave-ups and shit, and ecstacy is a huge drug over there. It be so interest to probe the youth culture over there, how they're seemingly oblivious to the turmoil and how they've pretty much accepted that they'll never know peace in their life times, so might as well let the politicians worry about it while they lose their minds on drugs and hedonism. I had a friend who went to Israel couple of years ago and he told me how some of the places there are worse (or better depending on ur pov) than Ibiza.

    I mean its unfair to pick on the Israeli kids for doing what millions of kids across the world do - but to juxtapose that with the neurosis of the nation. I think that's really interesting.

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