JKristofer's Political NTB Post

Out of context: Reply #16

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  • DutchBoy0

    so it politics isn't even part of it.

    a "global international voice"... man, wouldn't that be nice.


    there you said it.. almost in one sentence!

    a unified global voice has never been achieved through politics, regardless, not kerry, not the french, not the germans, no govt.

    i have been reading a great book tonight which leaves you to conclude humanity is in a major reorganization on a scale not seen in many many centuries..

    wars&protests is only part of the chaos that is inherent to this transformation. we cannot protest to avoid war, and we cannot have war to achieve peace as these are only part of the process that neither parties (the voice of the people and govts.) can fully control.

    still we go to war, still we go out for protests... as it's the building bricks of our new order. the urge to learn from tragedy. the tragic quality of being human...

    compare it to oil.. we will not put enormous efforts in exploring and implementing alternative resources, although we ALL (yes, everyone) know that using oil at the pace we do now can become a threat to our own existence. A minister of the Dutch govt. worded it pretty well last week in a newsarticle: It's a pity some Arab countries will now fire up oil production now that we finally arrived at the stage were oil seems to be unaffordable, the immensely high prices for oil could have finally stimulated corps. and govts. to take serious steps towards alternative energy.

    (i know that many companies like Shel, GM and Exxon invest billions in hydrogen for instance, but we should have already been at the stage of making this available to the public (according to scientists))..

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