hmo / ppo

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  • lunaluxx0

    Well, I thought I had a ppo, but it's really an hmo in disguise. Two of my doctors dropped me because I have an hmo, which is annoying. I HATE finding new doctors after you've established a decent relationship with them.

    HMOs are are tricky if you live in a big city...I had one in NYC too and it SUCKED. Doctors that except them tend to overbook appointments, thus making scheduling an appointment and seeing the doctor within a reasonable amount of time a near impossible task. Which sucks when you are really are sick.

    Since you're young and healthy, I say check with your current doctors and if they accept the hmo plan, save some money. Otherwise go with the ppo. You will have more choices in the end.

    If you want more hmo horror stopries, email me offline. I'll be glad to relate them.

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