Site Check Please

Out of context: Reply #11

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  • sp0

    It's ok. Functionally the motion work is smooth. But, here is a warning to all Flash developers. Fonts in dynamic text boxes show up very very differently on other systems. I'm on Redhat Linux, and the body type is in a very tiny is completely unreadable.

    I actually like the wood. :)

    I agree the pop-up is a useless bit.

    And, I'm gonna say this, as a matter of personal take it as you wish - but there is no reason on a personal/professional portfolio site to interject your political view point or an "image of the day...".

    It is non-sensical rehtoric that a prospective employer doesn't want to see or deal with.

    One thing you learn in school is that your portfolio sells you. And...the ONLY reason to have one is show your work, your knowledge and your skills. If designers or developers want to involve themselves in activism or have sites which express personal opinions or beliefs then have a separate site for it. Make a blog, or a small 'personal' news site or editorial site, perhaps.

    But, as a person in the position to hire designers and developers, I seldem entertain sites which try to focus on bullshit rather than their actual portfolio.

    When I designed and printed my Architecture portfolio it only contained design and text related to said design. It didn't have printed pages of personal opinion about worldly events. We would have failed classes if we tried that.

    The web, and personal portfolio sites shouldn't be any different.

    Just as a piece of advice.

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