Printing Guidelines

Out of context: Reply #5

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  • 2cent0

    i've never lookked online for die-lines (templates) but you may find something.

    I would contact the printer or a printer to see if they might have an old cereal box die file kicking around that they could send you... that is the best and easiest option.

    If not you can always create your custom die-line or pull apart a box of cereal and measure all the panels and flaps... if you do this be VERY accurate, last thing you want is some crroked ass box.

    Also, if you measuring an existing box to create the die measure in millimetres as I find this to be more accurate.

    And lastly, once you have you die-line mock-up the box just in white paper or whatever to make sure it all lines up good... you may even want to label all the panels... front, sides, flaps so that when you pull apart and make it flat again you will know what goes where and in what direction.... this can be really confusing if its your first time and the only thing worse than a crooked as box is one with the graphics upside down.

    good luck!

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