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  • 2cent0

    i've got the Burton zoom pack that you speak of.

    its alright, not the best one out there... Dakine makes a really sweet photo pack that i think is better.

    the thing i don't like about the zoom pack is that it doesn't have enough pocket storage for extra items, filters, flash packs, etc. the actual camera compartent is pretty good, all modular so you can customize it to your liking... it is a bit small depending on what you're gonna carry.

    at its fullest i've had my nikon slr body, 200mm lens, 80mm lens, 20mm lens, dozen rolls of film, filters, flash packs, digi cam,tripod and a 17" Powerbook... it was pretty much busting at the seams.

    if i was buying the pack again i would do more research because i basically bought the first camera backback i came across.

    hope that helps.

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