
Out of context: Reply #8

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    right. the indicators on most guitars are not set up on every other fret. they are set up specifially at certain intervals based on music theory.

    3, 5, 7, 9, 12

    the 12th fret being one octave higher than the open string.

    i wont get technical into what each one means (in standard tuning though)
    it's pretty simple once you understand basic theory of 3rds, 5ths, majors and minors (et cetera) so if you learn it for the piano, you'll pick shit right up with guitar.

    theory does gets pretty damned complicated the more you get into it. highly mathmatical shit. i never consciously think about it when i play. it just seems to suck the fun out of improvising... but if you want to be a great technical player... hit that shit hard. :)

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