Had an accident

Out of context: Reply #11

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  • k0na_an0k0

    when the ins company calls you all you have to say is your lower back hurts and your going to go see someone about it. the check will then be in the mail. they'd rather settle and give you cash than be taken to court and sued. i'd ask for at least 10k. haha.

    last summer i was at a stoplight, first in line in the left hand lane. i hear this horrible metal on metal breaking behind me and see headlights in my rearview mirror, i hit the gas thinking a piece of machinery is falling off a semi or something and just as my car lurches forward i get hit from behind and this ford f-150 comes flying past on the right with no front wheels all banged up. i was like 'muther fucker someone rear ended me. it was only after i got out of my car that i noticed he had went between the cars in the lanes, hitting 9 cars, 5 in my lane, 4 in the other, and totaling 7 of the 9. the guy who was behind me said the dudes truck hit the back end of his car and went airborn like it was a ramp, if i hadn't hit the gas and moved forward he would have landed on top of me. as it was he hit the ground and then hit my car because i moved forward out of the way. the guy was wasted doing 80+ on a street posted 40 and instead of going around the left in the turn lane decided to go through the middle of all us. the guy was 22 years old. i got 1500 from the accident cause i said my back was a bit tight.

    scary how close i came to being squashed.

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