vector q

Out of context: Reply #7

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  • welded0

    So the flag consists of a circle and red segments. For now ignore the circle and pretend that these segments are joined at the center (where the circle was). So now you're left with these not-quite rectangles that repeat at, oh, I don't know, 25 degree intervals.
    With me so far?
    So if you make just one of these not-quite rectangles you can reuse them as much as you need. Select the first, copy, paste-in-front, then transform>rotate 25*, or whatever it is. Now you've got two of these objects making a funny looking X, right?
    Select the second one then hit Cmnd+C, Cmnd+F, Cmnd+D which will copy, paste in front, and repeat transformation. You should see a third one. Wash, rinse, repeat!

    If I'm sitll not clear give me 10 minutes and I'll post some pics.

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